Video 1

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction

The following video constitutes my own approach to the many issues that surround the COVID-19 crisis. It seeks to offer a critically reflective tour through not only some of the Constitutional dimensions of the aforementioned issue, but, as well, contains forays into public health, virology, and medicine, as well as touches upon the topic of vaccinations -- mandatory or otherwise. Quite frequently, the biggest obstacle to being able to properly understand various issues is not necessarily ignorance but, instead, arises when we become entangled in the illusion that we believe we know something to be true when this might not be the case. Hopefully, the Gaslighting video which is accessible through this page will provide potential viewers with an opportunity to meditate on a variety of issues of considerable importance to everyday life and address the question: What do I actually know about the COVID-19 situation?

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Copyright 2003-2021, Interrogative Imperative Institute, Brewer, Maine, 04412. None of the material in the Queries section of this website, nor elsewhere in other sections of this website, is intended to serve as a form of diagnosis, prescription, treatment, or prognosis in relation to any physical, emotional, or psychological pathologies which might, or might not, be present in a given individual. If one is seeking medical advice, then, one should consult with a competent, medical practitioner or institution that one trusts. In addition, nothing in the present Queries section, nor elsewhere in this website, is intended to serve as, or provide visitors with, legal counsel of any kind.