Video 29

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-29

The following video is the final entry for James Corbett's four part series on Bill Gates. It explores Gates' quest to vaccinate the entire world and allegedly protect everyone from a malady that at worse -- as clinical evidence shows -- only appears to adversely affect an extremely small segment of the population ... assuming, of course, that the reason why such people are affected in problematic ways has anything to do with a viral infection rather than, say, being exposed to any number of chemical and electromagnetic toxicities and pollutants that currently exist in the environment.

Bill Gates and the people he influences -- such as (to identify but a few): Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (President of the World Health Organization) Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau of Canada, Donald Trump, Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, Scott Morrison of Australia, Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, Tony Fauci, Deborah Birx, various members of the CDC, as well as countless medical and academic institutions that, like GAVI (in Geneva Switzerland, or like CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. headquartered in Oslo, Norway but, in addition, owns facilities in America and the United Kingdom), or like the Imperial College in England -- have formed a cult-like, relentlessly evangelical religion which seems to feel perfectly justified in imposing its particular form of fanaticism onto other people despite the fact that its membeers are so fundamentally insecure with respect to the epistemological status of the tenets of their religion that they insist they should be absolved of all liability should anyone die or suffer some sort of injury as a result of that which they seek to make mandatory for everyone.

Gates and his acolytes do not appear to be willing to stand by their products without the buffered protection of corrupt legislation (such as the Child Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 or the PREP Act of 2005). Moreover, the members of that cult seem to insist on imposing their religious beliefs and practices on everyone in the world in such a way that the zealots of Gatism apparently feel justified with subjecting individuals to various kinds of Inquisition-like torture if those "unbelievers" should disagree with the high priests of the cult of vaccination or if such sinful miscreants are unwilling to genuflect before the golden, biological idols that the members of the cult have fashioned with their own hands. Gatism appears to have all the characteristics of a terrorist-like cabal, and none of the qualities of a group that is prepared to recognize that human beings enjoy innate human rights which cannot be countermanded by flights of imagination that are devoid of any substantive evidence capable of demonstrating that its beliefs give expression to anything but phamtasmagoria-like ideas, values, products, and actions.

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