Video 34

Interrogative Imperative Institute

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Brief Introduction to Video-34

Spiro Skouras of Activist Post interviews Patrick Wood, Editor of Technocracy News and Trends, founder of Citizen's For Free Speech, and author of a number of well-regarded books on technocracy (such as Technocracy: The Hard Road To World Order and Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation). According to Patrick Wood, technocracy is an economic system that seeks to engineer and control the lives of people through the use of processes that are increasingly driven by cybernetic, algoritmic processes as well as systems of artificial intelligence that are beng used to run: Big Tech, Big Pharma, the entertainment industry, financial insitutions, the CIA, academia, NSA, the military industrial complex, social-networking platforms, and a variety of other corporate agencies.

The general character of technoracy involves a fascist fusion of big business and government in which the general population will have exactly zero say about what transpires in society becuase they will have ceded their agency to the technocratic, corporate overlords who will manage social dynamics in a manner such that all civil liberties and basic human rights will cease to exist and, as a result, the general population will become the property of, and be required to serve, the interests of such a technological system. While Democrats and Republicans both have been manipulated into blaiming one another for the problems of society (and, as such, play the role of useful idiots who have allowed themselves to be distracted with, and preoccupied by, peripheral and irrelevant political, social, and religious considerations), such manufactured divisiveness has served to camouflage the gradual technocratic infiltration and overthroww of democractic systems around the world. COVID-19 is merely the latest ploy that is being used to manipulate different elememts of the general populace and, in the process, leverage their financial, economic, legal, and political power to gain control of society and all its resources. Spiro Skouras and Patrick Wood explore different facets of the foregoing set of dynamics.

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