Video 16

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-16

This is a discussion between, on the one hand, Michel Chossudovsky, head of the Center for Research On Globalization that is located in Canada, and, on the other hand, Peter Koenig, an economist, who, in the past, has worked both with the World Bank and the World Health Organization. One of the primary themes of interest that orients this discussion revolves about the fact that Peter Koenig worked in the belly of the beast (given that the World Bank and the World Health Organization are integral parts of that beast) and, consequently, Peter might be considered to have been -- at least for a time -- a consumate insider who was engaged in consulting about, and the management of, the beast's operational dynamics. Yet, as his opening statements tend to make quite clear, what is taking place today via COVID-19 is a planned destruction of the economies of the world for purposes of establishing a new, economic, technological, and ideological order.

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