Video 10

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-10

Del Bigtree interviews Dr. Andrew Kaufman on the Highwire program -- which has recently been de-platformed by YouTube. I've included a second interview with Dr. Kaufman because this video brings valuable information to the discussion table ... including a brief overview of the terrain versus germ theories of disease. This is important because it helps to introduce the idea that COVID-19 stands at the crossroads of two entirely different approaches to the issue of disease.

More specifically, much of modern medicine is guided by Pasteur's germ theory of disease, and, yet, there is a great deal of evidence capable of undermining that perspective ... such as the fact that the Sars-CoV-2 virus, along with viruses such as HIV and measles, have never been isolated and shown to satsify Koch's postulates ... postulates that have been accepted by scientists and medical practitioners for more than a hundred years and which are used to identify infectious agents. Interestingly enough, at the end of his life, Pasteur is reported to have said that 'germ theory is nothing, and terrain theory is everything.'

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