Video 25

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-25

This video delves briefly into what happened to a couple from Hardin County, Kentucky, when they refused to sign papers from the public health department concerning COVID-19. This is but one example of thousands of instances across the United States that could have been selected which demonstrate, unfortunately, how arbitrary, draconian, despotic, and unconstitutional the actions are of a variety of government officials within various jurisdictions in America ... people who make decisions that seem to have little connection with the real world. The affliction affecting America and other localities around the world is not COVID-19 (though there are a very small percentage of individuals with co-morbidities who seem to be particularly vulnerable to something associated with COVID-19), but, rather, what is truly a threat to the health of Americans and America is the authoritarian psychosis that seems to have gained debilitating access to the minds and bodies of all too many governmental, medical, and media officials. Surely what those officials are doing appears to be nothing less than a form of terrorizing the public.

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