Video 31

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-31

The video below is very short and to the point (This introduction is probably longer than the actual video being introduced). The video presentation provides an overview of two approaches to disease -- namely, Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory and Antoine Béchamp's Terrain Theory.

Many people today (both in government as well as in public health) claim that COVID-19 constitutes a paradigmatic example of germ theory dynamics. In other words, they have developed a narrative in which an individual -- from, say, Wuhan, China -- somehow comes into contact with a strain of coronavirus (i.e., SARS-CoV-2) and not only succumbs to the onslaught of the virus as it multiplies or replicates within his, her, or their body, but, as well, patient zero also passes the virus on to other people via a cough, nasal discharge, or some other bodily fluid. This is, and has been for some time, the dominant theory that guides the work of many medical researchers and practitioners.

However, the foregoing situation is not as straightforward as many people try to make the issue seem to be. For instance, those who are influenced by, and have further developed the ideas of, Béchamp (who was a contemporary of Pasteur) believe that there are many problems with Pasteur's germ theory.

Thus, for instance, among other things the germ theory cannot explain why everyone who is exposed to a given "germ" (in the case of COVID-19 the germ is allegedly a virus) does not become ill with the disease that is supposedly caused by that germ (for example, there are many people who, supposedly, have tested positive for COVID-19 but are asymptomatic). These latter sorts of researchers and clinicians believe that when a person becomes sick, this is because that individual's body has been traumatized through being exposed to various kinds of chemicals or toxic levels of various forms of electromagnetic radiation (such as ELF -- Extremely Low Frequency -- or RF -- Radio Frequency -- waves), or those individuals are not receiving adequate nutritional value in the foods they eat, and, as a result, their bodies begin to break down and, in the process, generate symptoms of one kind or another.In order to determine whether, or not, a disease is caused by the invasion of a germ or the breakdown of a given individual's biological terrain (or some combination of the two), one would have to go through a process of differential diagnosis to rule out, or rule in, various possibilities.

While the terrain theory people do believe there are some contagious agents -- for example, like those found in various sexually transmitted diseases (although they do not necessarily believe, for example, that HIV causes AIDS), nonetheless, they also believe that many other maladies -- such as COVID-19 -- might be better explained by non-germ oriented frameworks in which the symptoms of the disease are caused by the way certain chemicals (e.g., DDT, glyphosate, lead, mercury, arsenic, asbestos, and so on), or various kinds of electromagnetic toxicities, or other forms of pollution traumatize and undermine the health of the body, or by the way bad eating habits can traumatize the body of an individual and, in the process, undermine the well-being of that person's body, leading to a disease process. Given that no one has either isolated SARS-CoV-2 or shown that it is infectious and capable of causing certain kinds of symptoms, this leaves open the possibility that COVID-19 is not necessarily due to the presence of some sort of infectious agent or germ but could be the result of some other traumatizing dynamic which cannot be prevented or cured through the administering of a vaccine or the dispensing of various kinds of anti-viral medications.

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