Video 19

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction to Video-19

In this video, a woman -- who would like to maintain a certain amount of anonymity -- discusses what she learned while obtaining several certificates (one from John Hopkins University) concerning the process of contact tracing. The following video -- which reflects the training that this woman received -- presupposes that: (a) the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists, (b) has been isolated, (c) has bee properly sequenced, and (d) has been shown to be both infectious as well as (e) lethal ... none of which (as of October - 2020) has actually been properly and rigorously demonstrated by scientists. Furthermore, the training which the woman received presupposes that the PCR protocol which is being used as a test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 is scientifically valid (which, according to Kari Mullis who won a Nobel prize for inventing the protocol, it is not).

During the video, the woman who was trained as a contact tracer distinguishes between individuals who are to be "isolated" (people who are sick with "something" that has been diagnosed as COVID but might not be) and people who are to be "quarantined" -- in other words, people are not sick but have been exposed to someone who, purportedly, has tested positive for the presence of SARS-CoV-2. The people who are being isolated or quarantined are being treated in this fashion despite the fact there is a complete lack of verifiable evidence that SARS-CoV-2: Exists, has been isolated, has been sequenced, has been shown to be infectious or lethal and despite the fact that the PCR-test being used to "detect" the alleged presence of SARS-CoV-2 is unreliable.

The following video provides a great deal of useful (and disquieting) information about how the certification process for contact tracing is supposed to work. However, in light of the information given above, contact tracing is nothing more than a Potemkin village ... an illusory facade lacking anything that is scientifically or medically substantive and, therefore, something which has been erected in order to induce people to believe that reality (i.e., the official narrative concerning SARS-Co-V-2 and COVID-19) is other than it is (i.e., junk science/medicine) and which, supposedly, serves a useful, constructive purpose (i.e., if one can refer to activities that propagandize, manipulate, oppress, abuse, and terrorize citizens as being constructively purposeful -- except, of course, for those who have a desire to control others for their own political and ideological agendas).

The woman who has made this video makes it abundantly clear how she feels about the nature, value, and purpose of the process of contact tracing for which she has been trained -- by several institutions. Indeed, she is tryinig to warn the public about what is being proposed by those who taught her, as well as by those who might wish to hire her.

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