Sovereignty Play

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Videos of Potential Relevance

Brief Introduction

Strange set of circumstances lead nine people to explore the issue of sovereignty. The fate of humanity rides on what they do. Their task is to come to grips with the issue of self-governance. With no resources on which to draw except their own ideas, intelligence, moral integrity, and understanding, they must try to work out the essential principles of sovereignty. The challenge is time-limited, but they do not know how much time is left before the final buzzer is sounded. In addition, there is a war, of some kind, that is raging all around them, and the explosions are coming closer and closer to their location. The discussions which ensue are far-reaching. They range from: the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, to: issues of ratification, the Preamble to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, constitutionality, the rule of law, judicial interpretation, sovereignty, the nature of power, education, cults, the scientific problem of origins, militarism, and more. Finally, a number of the characters are suspected of terrorism and treason. As a result, they must face an investigation into their activities. The truth might not be enough to save those individuals, but an unexpected decision is rendered leading to ... . Sovereignty: A Play in Three Acts -- An audio-visual (but mostly audio) presentation.

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